Issue Position: Revitalizing our Economy

Issue Position

Our economy is not performing as well as it should, and too many Americans are either out of work or are unable to find full-time employment. One of my top priorities is creating a healthier economy and getting people back to work.

Enacting pro-growth tax reform, lowering health care costs, and eliminating burdensome regulations will empower entrepreneurs and help small businesses grow and expand. It's also time for Congress to get its fiscal house in order by balancing our budget and eliminating wasteful Washington spending.

Growing jobs starts with tax reform for individuals, families, and businesses. We need to make the tax code simpler, fairer, and more competitive to create jobs, raise wages, and expand opportunity for all Americans.

The tax code is riddled with special interest breaks and loopholes that make it too complex and too expensive. We must eliminate these loopholes and create a tax system that is simple and fair for everyone. It should be so simple that most Americans can do their taxes on a form as small as a post card. It should also give American businesses back their competitive edge by making the United States the best place in the world to hire and invest. It's time for a real solution and a tax code that promotes work, savings, investment, innovation, and achievement.

We must also recognize and embrace the global economy in which we live. New trade agreements and more exports create jobs here at home. We need to reform our broken immigration system to attract the hardest workers and brightest minds. Future generations of Americans will continue to lead this economy if they are the best educated and the best prepared in the world. By encouraging our children to study fields like science, technology, engineering, and math, we can increase our competitiveness and harness American innovation to compete in the future and win in the global economy.
